Showing posts with label Golf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Golf. Show all posts

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Been taking beginners golf lessons for the past two months, and wanted to blog about it. Somehow I procrastinated till today, the last lesson at the range.

It's been challenging (to swing a club is not as easy, mind you) but I try to have fun and not put too much pressure on myself. It's been enjoyable so far. Of course it has to be, because golf is commonly known as a 'social' game. So the spirit is in interacting with the coach (my coach is quite funny) and classmates (they are friendly, I guess).

More importantly, it's been a great bonding session with my buddy, ALI :) Having tea, breakfast and lunch after each session is great. It's really been a while since we really chat for hours, face-to-face, and laugh. Being part of a clique of five sometimes make it quite impossible to really talk (it's like speed-dating, not that I have been to one, haha. But I do imagine it's similar because you kind of rotate and catch up with different friends at gatherings :P) and watsapp makes chatting virtually so much easier.

I reckon kakis are definitely a very key part of golf :)