好久没有用华语blog 了。
今天本想九点起身去游泳。结果九点半才醒来。吃吃早餐,看看报纸,十点半才出发。游呀游就午时了。本来想去tiong bahru一带吃brunch,却临时改变主意,去了rochester mall pies & coffee。一来,还没去过那。二来,觉得那会清幽些。就这样游游永,喝喝茶,吃吃派,看看杂志报纸过了几个小时。
Pies & Coffee at Rochester Mall, next to The Star Vista, is such a sanctuary! There were so few people around, contrary to what I thought... |
My simple yet yummy lunch - lamb shank pie and yuzu tea. |
Listening to the fountain, facing the colonial building that houses Starbucks. And quite devoid of a crowd. What a sanctuary! |
Found the Piettiquete in the Pies & Coffee website so funny! I just ate it - I'm so unpiettiquete! LOL.
For those who do not understand what I posted in Chinese, it was about slowing down in life. And I really felt that Pies & Coffee helped me to slow down today :) The popular cafes are really crowded these days, so if you are looking for a quiet place to chill, do check it out :)
PS: Trying to upload a short video of the café so you get what I mean about the place being a sanctuary :) Stay tuned!