Saturday, January 2, 2010

今天,我是宅女。 你呢?


好悠长的假期, 可以好好地休息。这四天,我关机了, 也没约人。 算是宅女吧?

新年除夕,和堂妹看了AVATAR 3D版。有一点头晕,但感觉很棒!但愿人类与大自然的故事永远说不尽。 因为这样意味着两者并生存着,不是吗?

2010年的第一天, 在家里度过。跑了3KM,收拾了房间,读完了读了3个月的书 (天啊!),许了新希望。2009年末,我在FACEBOOK的一个STATUS是‘realised it's the time of the year to make new resolutions and realised that some old ones have not been fulfilled :P’ 我想有些新年希望是不会实现的,但还是忍不住许了。 今年会更努力地实现所有的希望!加油!

今天,起了一个大早,与家人晨运。从HENDERSON WAVE走到HORTPARK。很热!DEPOT ROAD 的 LASAK 是午餐。很辣!不是为什么,总觉得没有以前在 DEPOT ROAD 吃得辣,也没那么好吃。。。在去年的圣诞礼物 (那才不过几天前的事啊!)当中是 MITCH ALBOM 的HAVE A  LITTLE  FAITH。开始读了几页。或许是新的一年的关系,有一点感触, 不禁想起自己的EULOGY - 它会是怎么样的?明天又会怎么样的?

Friday, January 1, 2010

It's going to be a good, good year!

Happy 2010! It's my first post of the decade. Have a feeling that it's going to be a good, good year! I did my list of 2010 resolutions this morning. Let's see how things unravel in the year to come in this blog! :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009


It's been a while since I last update my blog. Been so busy before I went to perth and since I came back :(

But Perth was great! It was really R&R so I had a good break :) Here's three things I really enjoyed!
1) Trip brought me closer to nature.
- The farm stay was a highlight - how I wish we stayed for another night in the beatuiful cottage. The starry night was a surprise as I didn't expect to see so many stars in Perth as we were not in high altitude. But it was really cold and SF wanted to stay indoors - otherwise we could have a cup of hot tea under the stars :)
- It was nice to be woken up by the chirping of the hens, geese, peacocks in the farm (really!) and to wonder around the farm and breathe in the fresh air :) It was nice just sitting at the playground, enjoying the peace around you. And the highlight was the animal-feeding! Think I never had such fun and laughter for a long time :)

2) Did so many things for the first time in the sunniest place in the world (the sun was really strong!)

- My first self-drive trip (although I did not drive lah :P)
- Never been to a winery until and tasted so many wines in a day! It was a fun yet strange thing to get really red in the face and my heart racing in the day! :) and yes, cold beer at lunch!
- 4WD (not as exciting as I thought it would be) and sand-boarding (this was fun! wooohooo!)

3) Just being free and easy most of the time.

Starting the day with a good breakfast of coffee and toast. Stopping in the late mornings and late afternoons for coffee now and then. Planning what we wanted to do and changing plans along the way. Getting lost and finding our way around. Talking to the locals (many of them know Singapore!). Sunburning in the day and shivering in the night of Perth. Watching the sunset. And seeing the world goes by...