Monday, October 3, 2011


I grabbed this off someone's facebook. On impulse. This is LIFE, sometimes.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Club Med Bintan

Did not take a lot of pictures in Club Med Bintan. Here are my top ten :)

Having fun trying out the camera timer for some self portraits :)

Dedicated to all those who eat to live. Club Med is a great place - you don't have to think too much about where and what to eat :P

Spa. Need I say more?

Sun. Sea. Sand :)


雨后的城市果然美多了。 这是今天跑步时最大的发现。哈哈。

我想起了几年前的Siem Reap之旅 - 导游说雨季是到访当地的最佳时候。因为雨后的吴哥窟最美。 雨带走了灰尘,让它恢复原本(几乎)的风貌。