Chinese New Year (CNY) is the time of the year where many people take stock of their life - we call it 'spring-cleaning'. This year's CNY came on the heels of the New Year, so I have not had much time to take stock of my life (as in life).
But I did take stock of my shoe cabinent. I spring-cleaned my shoe cabinent today. It's official - I'm a shoepaholic. I counted and I have 38 pairs of shoes (slippers, sandals, flats, heels, pumps etc). And I have not even counted my adidas running shoes!
I know I have many shoes. But I did not realise I have so many (more than my age, my mum quipped :P). Verdict of this stock-take is I need to stop buying shoes and start wearing them. Perhaps keep the number down to at least my age. Phew!