Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Skansen Squirrel

Did not realise that it has been such a long time since I last blogged. The last 2 months have been kind of crazy - I left my job, left for Stockholm where my brother is studying and travelled in Scandinavia for 1 month. A long vacation abroad indeed. Visited Oslo and Reykjavik with my brother, and was on my own most of the time in Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen. Think autumn turning winter is not the best time to visit Scandinavia, except for some surprises that bring back good memories :) Here's one.

hey hey! my new found friend from Skansen, an open air museum and zoo in Stockholm. It was really bare (be it of people or flora) when I visited. Guess winter has a way of fence off life...

Was really glad to meet Skansen Squirrel - it is really cute. Left to roam freely around the zoo, it was jumping here and there, up and down, looking for food when we met.

When it saw me taking photos, it tried to challenge me - tried to climb up my body to grab the camera (it scrambled away when I yelled!) and then look at me (or rather my camera) straight in the eye so I got this shot, one of my favorites taken during this trip. It takes so little to be happy right?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Topokki Rice Cakes

Been a good weekend.
Read a few chapters of 告白.
Installed SCV (free for 3 months!) and explored the programmes.
Jogged 3 KM, with solid cool down.
Tried my hands at making Topokki Rice Cakes!Turned out to be easy(although it does not taste as as good as the korean version. YET)
Add 100cc of water and 500g Toppoki rice cakes to a frying pan and boil. As it starts to boil, add 150g of Toppoki marinade. Wait for the rice cakes to cook while adjusting the temperature accordingly. May add cabbage, fish cake, scallion, glass noodle or egg to your preference.


Sunday, July 29, 2012

旧手机的照片- Great Ocean Road in Taiwan

This is going to be the last batch of Taiwan pictures from my BB that I am going to post. There are too many other memories to blog :P Hualien Taroko Gorge so reminds me of the Great Ocean Road. If you have been on the Great Ocean Road trip and the Taroko Gorge trip, you will know what I mean... It's always amazing how mankind can turn nature into tourist spots, and the sacrifices made to do just that. For that, I'm kind of thankful because that means so many people can bask in the beauty of these places.

 A walk along Taroko Gorge. A river meanders through the great rocks peppered along the gorge.

I love this part of the Taroko Gorge. Like a painting. The few minutes when I just close my eyes and listen to the waves was good.

A beach of pebbles, an extension of the rocks in Taroko Gorge.